PM7000 Power Quality Analyser

ENA EREC G5/5 Background Harmonic Measurements

At Outram Research Ltd we manufacture the PM7000 Power Quality Analyser, which, with its Advanced Harmonics option, can provide the comprehensive background harmonic measurements required for compliance with Energy Networks Association (ENA) Engineering Recommendation G5/5.

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This latest Recommendation, with emphasis based on voltage harmonic distortion and introduced on 17th June 2020, replaces ENA EREC G5/4 which has been in place since 2001. You will find details of the changes to the recommendations in our detailed ‘G5/5 vs G5/4 comparison’ summary paper.

Customers can either hire or buy a PM7000 to use themselves or engage Outram to carry out an on-site survey to collect the comprehensive and detailed measurements required to the 100th harmonic to ensure that their systems are meeting G5/5 requirements and are compliant with UK regulations. These measurements include individual voltage harmonics to the 100th, THDV, Interharmonics and Interharmonic Sub-Groups to the 100th as well as the capture of any offending waveform Commutation Notching.

What is G5/5?

ENA Engineering Recommendation G5/5 is a technical document published by the Energy Networks Association (ENA) that sets out the requirements for connecting and operating electrical equipment in the UK.

G5/5s main purpose is to provide a set of guidelines, for all voltages, detailing the levels of the individual voltage harmonic and voltage interharmonic emissions allowed on the network. It also describes the permitted length and depth of commutation notching.

Background harmonic, interharmonic and interharmonic sub-group values are measured and compared to the ENA planning or compatibility limits. New or additional load is then modelled onto these values to ensure the limits will not be exceeded when the new load is connected.

In other words, G5/5 prescribes harmonic levels that are permissible in the electrical network, and any further connections must not cause the site to exceed the relevant compatibility limits.

Compliance with G5/5 is mandatory for all new system installations and any modifications to an existing, incumbent setup.

Measure to G5/5 With PM7000 Power Quality Analysers

Outram Research’s portable Ranger PM7000 analyser with this Advanced Harmonics option is available for general hire to all those that need to ensure their compliance with G5/5 regulations and for sale in the UK and abroad to Distribution and Transmission Network or System Operators. The effective and user-friendly Power Master 7000 analyser, which measures harmonics to EN61000-4-7, the EN61000-4-30 Class A requirement, will give you all that you need to monitor and record harmonics in line with EREC G5/5 guidelines.

Outram’s fully qualified on-site engineers can, if required, also conduct pre- and post-commissioning harmonic surveys, assisting in installation and removal of the analysers and publishing G5/5 reports based on the measurement findings. These reports include all the parameters required for a full G5/5 assessment, such as:

  • THDv to the 100th
  • Individual Voltage Harmonics to the 100th
  • Interharmonics and Sub-Group Interharmonics to the 100th as well as waveform notching

The PM7000 with Advanced Harmonics also simultaneously measures Total Harmonic Current (THDi) to the 100th and Individual Current Harmonics to the 100th, so these are included as Standard in Outram’s reports to assist in the modelling requirements of any additional loads.

Why is G5/5 Important?

It’s crucial with any new electrical installation – be it an additional load to an existing supply or a brand-new installation – that any devices connected to the same network do not experience poor power quality that may cause them to malfunction or fail. All installations must be provided with a safe electrical environment within which their equipment can function without any operational worries or issues.

Harmonic emissions, if not properly measured and monitored, can cause significant and pervasive problems within electrical systems, such as reduced efficiency, power losses, and electrical equipment damage. Any devices which emit too high harmonic distortion will negatively impact the performance of other devices connected to that network.

G5/5 helps to mitigate these issues by setting strict harmonic emission limits. A structured G5/5 assessment using a comprehensive set of background harmonic measurements will ensure that your own electrical network and devices comply with these guidelines and will not pose a risk to other consumers connected to the same supply.

Think of this Layman example – you’re about to board an aeroplane. The airline sets a strict baggage weight limit and capacity for the flight, otherwise, the plane may be at greater risk of crashing during the flight if it is carrying too much baggage or too many passengers. The airline stipulates that you must not exceed the baggage weight limit and that no unauthorised passengers board the flight. G5/5 works in much the same way, stipulating that your device, combined with existing background harmonics on the network, must not emit more than a certain level of harmonics and will therefore not pose additional risk to other devices connected to the same network.

In simple terms, compliance with G5/5 ensures that the electrical system is clean, efficient, and reliable. Non-compliance can lead to regulatory penalties and damage to reputation.

How Can Outram Research Help?

At Outram Research Ltd we offer the PM7000 Power Quality analyser with Advanced Harmonics option for hire or sale* or alternatively Outram’s fully qualified engineers can attend the measurement site, assist in the installation of the units and provide on-site background harmonic surveys with associated, comprehensive report. These are the first steps to ensuring your compliance with the updated G5/5 requirements (please contact us for an example report). Outram can also offer additional modelling of new equipment onto background harmonics measurements should it be required.

Assessments to the 100th Harmonic

We believe we are the only Power Quality Analyser manufacturer to carry out on-site current and voltage measurements to the 100th harmonic, whereas most off-the-shelf Power Quality Monitors are limited to the 50th harmonic or below.

As well as simultaneously measuring Individual harmonics to the 100th on 6 inputs (3 voltage and 3 current, as well as to the 50th on 2 additional inputs), our state-of-the-art power monitoring equipment, the PM7000, also measures THDv, THCurrent (THDi) and voltage interharmonics and sub-groups to the 100th order. If you want to carry out the measurements yourself, you are more than welcome – Outram have over 35 PM7000s with harmonics to the 100th available to hire at any one time and if you’re a DNO or DSO*, available for sale as well.

Measuring to the 100th harmonic for THDv, THDi, individual voltage and current harmonics as well as voltage sub- and interharmonics is required unless the Network Operator (NO) has expressly agreed they only require these parameters to the 50th.

Detailed, Sensible Reports

Outrams reports include:

  • Voltage and Current (Max, Min and Average) using Adaptive Store Measurement regime (down to single cycle resolution when anything interesting occurs on the measurement)
  • Tables comparing results to the relevant planning limits (dependent on Nominal Voltage) of:
    • Voltage harmonics to 100th harmonic
    • Voltage Interharmonics 55 to 95Hz
    • Voltage Interharmonics Sub-Goups 2-99
    • THDv & THDi to 100th harmonic
  • Tables of current harmonics to the 100th for modelling purposes
  • Waveform capture results for worst case commutation notching
  • Flicker (Pst and Plt) (Max, Min and Average) with Graph
  • Unbalance (Max, Min and Average) with Graph
  • 3 phase Reactive Power, Real Power, Apparent Power, Power Factor (Max, Min and Average) with Graph
  • Graphs of all odd harmonics to the 25th (both current and voltage)
  • Analysis of the measurement data to determine compliance with G5/5
  • Identification of any non-compliant areas and any additional Power Quality information, such as regular/intermittent voltage or current spikes should we think it could be of interest.

The PM7000 kit comprises (For Hire or Sale*):

  • PM7000 G5/5 Unit
  • Braided Rogowski Coils (4 coils)
  • Low Current Iron Core Current Transformers with adaptors (optional)
  • Braided Voltage Leads (5 voltage leads with extensions)
  • Tool Roll containing
  • 3 Link Leads
  • USB Lead
  • 1 Bag with: 2 x 400mA Anti-surge Fuses
  • 2 x 150mA Fuses
  • Mains Lead
  • Android Tablet and Charger (1 Tablet per customer)
  • 12 Volt DC Charger
  • Memory Stick
  • Hook-up Checklist
  • Configuration Guide
  • PM7000 Bag

Our professional and dedicated team will work closely with you to ensure that the measurement is tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

Contact us today to discuss your G5/5 harmonic measurement needs. Our team will be happy to provide you with more information and a free, no-obligation quote for our services.

*the Advanced Harmonics option available with Outram’s PM7000 is available for hire to all and for sale to Distribution and Transmission Network or System Operators, worldwide.

Read Our Reviews

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The Outram PM7000FLM … software made analysis of fault-current straightforward

We found the Outram PM7000FLM useful for capturing data, and its software made analysis of fault-current straightforward. Other methods of data capture can be used, but would require further development to accurately give fault level information; the area where the FLM scores is its ease of use, and also that statistical analysis is applied over the whole test period, rather than at a ‘snapshot’ of one event as our analysis. This makes it less prone to noise and other disturbances on the system.

Rob Weller, Rina Consulting, UK Power Networks Earth Fault Level Project, March 2018
…calculation of fault level trivial in comparison to the ‘manual’ methods

The Outram equipment (and associated software) makes calculation of fault level trivial in comparison to the ‘manual’ methods.

Rob Weller, Rina Consulting, UK Power Networks Earth Fault Level Project
It’s shown me just how much time your software is going to save me!

What you showed me this morning and what I’ve been doing this afternoon has shown me just how much time your software is going to save me!

Bob King, Power Phase Services, UK (Contracting for Network Rail)
….Commendable for its ease of use and portability

The Outram equipment is commendable for its ease of use and portability.

Rob Weller, Rina Consulting, UK Power Networks Earth Fault Level Project
Bluetooth functionality with PMScreen and real time monitoring is sensational.

Thank you so much for attending to [my support query], and so quickly! Very impressed with these [PM3000] power analysers and the Bluetooth functionality with PMScreen and real time monitoring is sensational.

Euan Galbally, Operations Project Engineer - Supply Restoration, SSE.
It’s an amazing piece of Kit!

I certainly will be hiring another PM7000 again. It’s an amazing piece of kit!

Stuart Turner, PCAS (Power Control and Automation Solutions) Ltd, Feb 2020
…PM3000 is the best product in my shop

The reason I think your PM3000 is the best product in my shop is the reliability and the software. I use 5 different brands of recorders and this one by far has been the most reliable. The software updates are great, with the 60 day reminders. The layout of the software and every single function make it simple and user friendly unlike most products.

Greg Ellis, Electrical District #3, Arizona USA, 2014
The analyser did everything that we needed. We were also impressed with how quickly it got across the US.

The analyser did everything that we needed. Rob was surprised at how easily it went on.

We were also impressed with how quickly it got across the US. It was there before we even left [the UK] and we didn’t expect that to happen.

It’s a specialised subject and the support we received from Duncan was second to none.

Chris Brookes, Simpson and Wood, UK Feb 2019
I have used data loggers in the past… Not in the same league as the Outram equipment

Thank you for all your fantastic efforts yesterday.

I have used data loggers in the past but they were not in the same league as the Outram equipment.

Last December when Network Rail asked me to install PQ monitoring I looked at hiring a couple of [competitor] PQ monitors. I had a Network Rail Graduate alongside me and I thought it would be a good learning exercise for him. As I began to understand the railway electrification system I realised [these] were a non-starter, so when the local electricity board ‘turned the screw’ I decided to look deeper.

I discovered Outram and when I read about your collaboration with Scottish Power I immediately realised the Outram equipment was the only one to consider. From what I have seen since yesterday morning I know I was correct in contacting your company.

Bob King, Power Phase Services, UK (Contracting for Network Rail)
That’s a hell of a piece of Kit!

That’s a hell of a piece of Kit!

Now I’ve seen what it can do I’m going to mention it to another customer here in the UK who I know is having trouble.”

Rob Rose, Simpson and Wood, UK Feb 2019
Outram PM7000FLM proved capable of reliably assessing Fault Level

The Outram PM7000FLM and associated software proved to be capable of reliably assessing / calculating fault level from both repeated low-level steps, as well as one-off larger pulses.

Rob Weller, Rina Consulting, UK Power Networks Earth Fault Level Project, March 2018
I have been quite astounded at the detail the Outram Data Logger has captured.

During communications regarding the 3 PM7000TIs that Bob is managing remotely, with new data sent back to him over email every 24 hrs, he told us that he has been finding detail in the recordings he never thought he would see. “I have been quite astounded at the detail the Outram Data Logger has captured.”

Bob King, Power Phase Services, UK
Your kit knocks spots of the bigger manufacturers

Your kit knocks spots of the bigger manufacturers.

Andrew Williams, MD, Smart Electrical Systems, Sept 2018
Fault Level Monitors to Validate ENWL RESPOND Project Network models

Fault level monitors – Outram fault level monitors have been installed at seven [Electricity North West] Respond [Project] sites. These monitors will validate our network model and the Fault Level Assessment Tool. Electricity North West Ltd RESPOND Project Newsletter, May 2016.

Electricity North West Ltd RESPOND Project Newsletter, May 2016.
By far the best project partner I have ever worked with!

Thank you for all the help and support you all gave me on the RTFLM project… It was an absolute privilege to work with you all and Outram are by far the best project partner I have ever worked with!

Cameron Scott, Innovation Engineer, UK Power Networks, 2022
“These [PM7000s] really are pucker units”

Following successful measurements using 2 of our PM7000 Power Quality Hire units…

“We captured some good stuff, these [PM7000s] really are pucker units.”

Shaun Smith, Firstfield Electrical Ltd, March 2021


Shaun Smith, Firstfield Electrical Ltd, March 2021
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