
Ranger PM4000 Power Quality Analyser

8 Input Power Quality Recording Analyser with waveform capture

The Power Master 4000 is a phase A powered, 3 phase power quality analyser with harmonics to the 50th, flicker and automatic reports.
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About the PM4000

Full Power Quality Survey. No Fuss.

  • Pre-loaded PQ survey configuration means hook it up and start recording. No thresholds, no fuss, all the results you need.

Nuisance Tripping? Record without thresholds.

  • No thresholds need to be set for detailed event or waveform capture. Is it the supply or your installation causing the trip?

Safe, Long Term Recording.

  • A 600V Cat IV (1000V Cat III) analyser powered off phase A or 12Vdc charger. Remote comms available via our mobile app. PMGateway.
  • With FIFO mode and automatic download to USB, carry on recording until a specific event occurs, then collect your data.

Solve Customer Complaints Quickly.

  • Advise customers competently on voltage surges, dips, flicker or harmonics problems comparing any data streams in the Outram Research Ltd Software, Pronto for Windows, e.g. RMS voltage and Instantaneous Flicker, on the same graph.
  • Minimise customer disruption by finding problems quickly using Adaptive StoreTM. Record single cycle detail during events with no thresholds set.
  • Comprehensive, quick, consistent reports using graph and table templates in Pronto for Windows.

Preventative Maintenance

  • Monitor your power quality over time to detect any problems before they cause equipment failure or costly down time.

Check Pre and Post Equipment Installation

  • Benchmark before and check after the installation of new equipment to ensure quality of service has been maintained.

Monitor Your Motor Performance.

  • Are your machines deteriorating due to poor power quality? Observe the supply to your motors, checking for unbalance and harmonics in real time.

Key Features Include

  • Harmonics measured to IEC61000-4-7, Flicker Measured to IEC61000-4-15
  • Events captured to the EN50160 Standard.
  • Rugged, portable case is pad-lockable. Unit is IP65, reliable and easy to use.
  • 32 Channels of detailed recording down to a single cycle when an event occurs, without setting any thresholds, using our unique Single Cycle Adaptive Storage recording process..
  • Waveforms recorded on 8 inputs simultaneously. Select transients, notches, rings, sags, surges, THD, and/or TH Current. No need to set thresholds due to our Auto-Ranking Waveform Capture.
  • 13 Pre-loaded configurations are set for 3 and single phase hook ups with a variety of recording channels. These are selected for measuring voltage, current, real power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor, harmonics, flicker, unbalance, distortion and more.
  • The PM4000 runs off the voltage being measured. For voltages < 104V use an AC/DC 12V charger.
  • Battery back up provides 10 minutes resettable, timed ride-through in case of power outage. Automatic start up when power returns if within recording period or in FIFO mode.
  • PM4000 user interface, PMScreen, is available as an Android mobile phone app. This phasor diagram display is a graphical touch screen interface that enables configuration, ensures correct hook up, provides suggestions upon detecting errors and advises if a current sensor is the wrong way round.
  • HELP in PMScreen guides users through configuration and hook up – just hold down the relevant button.
  • Safety: 600V Cat IV, 1000V Cat III, pollution level 2 unit. Compact, will fit in most panels and allow the door to be closed. Safely review data via Bluetooth while the unit is locked away in a cupboard.
  • Hook-Up Guide and Configuration Guide as well as a manual help you get your set-up right every time.
  • Data analysis is easy with our comprehensive,  in-house software Pronto for Windows (included in your kit). Data also available as .xls, .csv, PQDIF.
  • Fused voltage leads and internally fused voltage inputs protect this valuable equipment.
  • Capable of storing up to 127 configuration or data files.
  • Field programmable software and firmware updates.

Technical Information

Input Voltage: 4 input channels. 0-600Vac or 0-1000Vac (if internal AC power supply disconnected). Sensors: In-line shrouded 4mm banana sockets. Fused voltage leads, crocodile clip.

Input Current: 4 input channels. Sensors: Two ranges on two types. Menu Selectable Rogowski coil  0-6000A, 0-400A, or Voltage Type 0-2 Vac. Safety BNC Socket. Phase reversal in software.

Four distinct simultaneous Recording Systems: 

Waveform capture: 19.2kHz sampling on all inputs.  2MB of waveform data available.

Troubleshooting: Utilising the patented single cycle Adaptive StoreTM to capture comprehensive detail over long recording periods on up to 32 selected parameters.

Harmonics: 1-50th selectable on 32 Adaptive Store channels.

RMS Event Database: Monitoring for ‘official’ power quality events such as sags/surges/interruptions.

Configurations: Space for over 200 files. These may be used for configuration or recording sessions.

Accuracy: 0.2%. 0.1% in reference range 20-30°C (excluding sensors). +/-2LSB.

Resolution: Programmable to 0.1 Vac. Programmable to 0.1 Aac on Rogowski Coils. Resolution variable if secondary CTs or PTs used.

Troubleshooting Maths Functions:

AC Single Phase Installation: RMS, Stray Voltage RMS Hi Res < 35V, (line-neutral, line-line where appropriate). Real power W, Reactive Power VARS, Apparent Power VA, Power Factor PF, Displacement Power Factor, Phase Angle, Frequency, Instantaneous Flicker Sensation, Short Term & Long Term Perceptibility, Flicker Flag, Distortion Power (when IEEE100 power calculation selected).

AC 2 (split) Phase Installation: Real Power, Reactive Power VARS, Apparent Power, Power Factor.

AC 3 Phase Installation (Delta, Wye and variants): Real Power, Reactive Power VARS, Apparent Power, Power Factor, Voltage Unbalance, (Conventional & Sequential Components), Current Unbalance. Distortion Power, Positive Sequence Fundamental Real & Reactive Power.

Harmonics: Odds, Evens, Triplens, Individual Harmonics value and % and Harmonic Direction to the 50th, K Factor, % Total Harmonic Distortion, Total Harmonic Value.

 Symmetrical Components: Positive, negative, zero sequence: NPS, NPS/PPS (Voltage and Current), ZPS, ZPS/PPS (Voltage).

Other Maths Options:  Channel X  * Constant, Channel X / Channel Y, Filtered  Channel X, Internal Temperature, On Charge, Battery Volts.

Waveform Capture: Sample rate – up to 19.2 ks/s  (~ 384 samples/cycle at 50 Hz) on 8 channels. Events examined, Ranked & stored in real time.

Selectable waveform parameters: 

Wave Retention Basis: Greatest disturbances (automatic ranking and low rank discard) or conventional threshold exceeded.

Capture wave bracket: Wave Sets: from 20ms up to 120msecs. Can be contiguous; no re-arming.

Signals to be captured: offending wave / complementary current or voltage, All Voltages, All Currents.

Triggers to be used: Transient, Ring, Notch, Sag, Surge, THD Volts, THD Current.

Wave Allocation:  Waves allocated across trigger functions (selectable).

Frequency: Automatic frequency tracking in 50 or 60Hz regions. Normal range 45-64Hz.

Memory: 32MB Flash memory for all files. Expansion with USB Memory Device.

User Preferences – Stored in non-volatile Flash Memory.

Portable Device Requirements for PMScreen and PMGateway:  Android or Windows compatible.

Data Retention: During recording sequential data is saved to Flash memory. Waveform capture data is held in RAM and transferred to Flash memory when recording ends. Configurations etc. stored in Flash memory.

User Interface via remote screen: PC via Bluetooth or USB running PMScreen, or tablet/mobile phone via Bluetooth running PMScreen. Setup/Configuration and Data Review via remote screen. Data analysis using Pronto for Windows. Automatic download to USB stick.

Displays On PMScreen: Power & Energy, Waveforms, Harmonics, Phasors, Harmonic Phasors, Trends, List of Channels and more.


Bluetooth: Wireless interface (isolated).

PMGateway App.: Enables Android mobile phone to act as a Gateway. Send data files to your inbox or dropbox; start and stop recordings.

USB: Memory module interface (non-isolated).

USB: Serial interface to PC (isolated > 2.5kV) download to PC & control through Pronto for Windows.


Power: Requires 100-600 VRMS, 15 W Max from Phase A voltage measurement (40 – 64Hz  Rated power consumption 11Watts) or separate power supply at 12Vdc, 6 W.

Burden: Normally <10 VA from Phase A.  If a charger is used the Power Supply is automatically disconnected from Phase A (input impedance per phase 32MOhms).

Battery Capacity: 2100mAhrs (5 HI-Temp NiMH batteries).

Battery Ride Through: Ten minutes at a time.

Charge Method: From V1 input or from 12V Wall Charger (auto switching).

A/D Converters: 24 bit at 19.2 kSps, top 16 bits used normally for harmonics, power & energy, Flicker.

Measurement & Reporting Standards: IEC 61000-4-15, IEC 61000-4-30, IEEE1453 (Flicker), IEEE100.

Safety Standards: IEC 61010, (600v Cat. IV,  pollution level 2, 1000V CAT III if PSU fuse removed), CE Fused voltage leads (lead fuses 500mA, 700V, 50kA rupture current), IEC 61326 (EMC).

Internal fusing: PSU (x2), Charger input, Battery stack, Internal Thermal Switch (x2).

Computer Requirements for Pronto Software: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10; 250MB hard drive space.

Case: Pelican 1150 Guard Box: Dimensions. 22.9 x 19.1 x 11.0cm.

Weight: 3.5 kg. without leads and clamps.

Operating Temp: -20ºC (-4º F)  to 60ºC (140º F).

Environmental: IP65. Main unit will tolerate momentary emersion when lid sealed. Leads and their connections are not watertight and for safety reasons we strongly recommend that the operator does not connect and disconnect the unit in wet environments.

Applicable Patents: 6424277, 0230712, 4910692.

Measurement & Reporting Standards: IEC 61000-4-15, IEC 61000-4-7, IEC 61000-4-30, IEEE1453 (Flicker), IEEE1459, IEEE100, Report to EN50160.

Safety Standards: IEC 61010, (600v Cat. IV, pollution level 2, 1000V CAT III if PSU fuses removed), CE Fused voltage leads (lead fuses 500mA, 700V, 50kA rupture current), IEC 61326 (EMC).

Applications include:

Trouble shooting unknown power quality issues – Our unique recording regime Adaptive Store is especially useful for identifying and locating problems on your network, recording down to a single cycle the instant events occur without setting any thresholds. Unique precise capturing of sudden changes eg. transients, current spikes, harmonics, drop-outs and brown-outs to extremely high resolution makes detecting problems on your power distribution system easier.

Real time troubleshooting – Live results, harmonics, waveforms and EN50160 comparisons can all be viewed on an Android tablet or mobile phone via Bluetooth comms even whilst background recording is taking place. Get a head start on your site analysis right from the word go.

New Equipment Installation – Benchmark before and check after the installation of new equipment to ensure quality of service has been maintained.

Long term monitoring – Discover solutions to hard to find or intermittent problems. Record indefinitely in FIFO mode until the event occurs again. If required download each recording automatically to a hard-drive or memory stick or transfer data via Wifi/3G/4G using our PMGateway App or Ethernet. Discounts available for long term hire.

Speed up critical equipment recovery – Monitor important equipment to capture power quality events if and when it malfunctions. Use this information to get it back online more quickly.

Harmonics Analysis – Monitor 2-50th Harmonics on any voltage or current channel. Histogram of harmonics available on all captured waveforms.

Customer complaints – Solve customer complaints including voltage or flicker problems using the ability to compare any data streams on the same graph in the Outram/Ranger Software, Pronto. E.g. RMS voltage and instantaneous flicker sensation (and any others) on the same graph. Finding the problem quickly using Adaptive Store recording regime means minimum customer disruption.

Measure in remote locations – Automatic restart when power returns if unit is being powered off voltage measured.

Load Distortion and Imbalance

Preventive Maintenance – keep a track on your power quality to detect any problems before they cause your equipment damage or end up in costly down time.

Fast Transient Capture – waveform capture to 19.2kHz with automatic ranking in Pronto to help you zoom in to the most important waveforms in the recording in seconds. Sags, Surges, Transients, Rings, Notches, THD, TH Current are all triggers.

Network Characterization – measure non-sinusoidal and unbalanced systems.

Power Quality Software: Our comprehensive and very flexible Pronto software is the same for all Outram/Ranger Equipment so even when hiring a variety of models you will still use the same software each time.

Customer hire applications include:

  • Troubleshooting solar farm commissioning issues
  • Solving connection problems at a grid tied Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP)
  • Instability issues on wind farms
  • Effects on power quality of malfunctioning large materials handling systems/Cranes
  • Monitoring switchover from live to backup power and back again
  • Measuring either side of a UPS – Differential inputs allow simultaneous measurements to asses UPS quality
  • Determining whether power quality issues are being imported or exported
  • Measurement of capacitor switching.

Read Our Reviews

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+44 (0) 1243 573050



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…PM3000 is the best product in my shop

The reason I think your PM3000 is the best product in my shop is the reliability and the software. I use 5 different brands of recorders and this one by far has been the most reliable. The software updates are great, with the 60 day reminders. The layout of the software and every single function make it simple and user friendly unlike most products.

Greg Ellis, Electrical District #3, Arizona USA, 2014
It’s an amazing piece of Kit!

I certainly will be hiring another PM7000 again. It’s an amazing piece of kit!

Stuart Turner, PCAS (Power Control and Automation Solutions) Ltd, Feb 2020
By far the best project partner I have ever worked with!

Thank you for all the help and support you all gave me on the RTFLM project… It was an absolute privilege to work with you all and Outram are by far the best project partner I have ever worked with!

Cameron Scott, Innovation Engineer, UK Power Networks, 2022
The Outram PM7000FLM … software made analysis of fault-current straightforward

We found the Outram PM7000FLM useful for capturing data, and its software made analysis of fault-current straightforward. Other methods of data capture can be used, but would require further development to accurately give fault level information; the area where the FLM scores is its ease of use, and also that statistical analysis is applied over the whole test period, rather than at a ‘snapshot’ of one event as our analysis. This makes it less prone to noise and other disturbances on the system.

Rob Weller, Rina Consulting, UK Power Networks Earth Fault Level Project, March 2018
…calculation of fault level trivial in comparison to the ‘manual’ methods

The Outram equipment (and associated software) makes calculation of fault level trivial in comparison to the ‘manual’ methods.

Rob Weller, Rina Consulting, UK Power Networks Earth Fault Level Project
Bluetooth functionality with PMScreen and real time monitoring is sensational.

Thank you so much for attending to [my support query], and so quickly! Very impressed with these [PM3000] power analysers and the Bluetooth functionality with PMScreen and real time monitoring is sensational.

Euan Galbally, Operations Project Engineer - Supply Restoration, SSE.
That’s a hell of a piece of Kit!

That’s a hell of a piece of Kit!

Now I’ve seen what it can do I’m going to mention it to another customer here in the UK who I know is having trouble.”

Rob Rose, Simpson and Wood, UK Feb 2019
The analyser did everything that we needed. We were also impressed with how quickly it got across the US.

The analyser did everything that we needed. Rob was surprised at how easily it went on.

We were also impressed with how quickly it got across the US. It was there before we even left [the UK] and we didn’t expect that to happen.

It’s a specialised subject and the support we received from Duncan was second to none.

Chris Brookes, Simpson and Wood, UK Feb 2019
It’s shown me just how much time your software is going to save me!

What you showed me this morning and what I’ve been doing this afternoon has shown me just how much time your software is going to save me!

Bob King, Power Phase Services, UK (Contracting for Network Rail)
I have used data loggers in the past… Not in the same league as the Outram equipment

Thank you for all your fantastic efforts yesterday.

I have used data loggers in the past but they were not in the same league as the Outram equipment.

Last December when Network Rail asked me to install PQ monitoring I looked at hiring a couple of [competitor] PQ monitors. I had a Network Rail Graduate alongside me and I thought it would be a good learning exercise for him. As I began to understand the railway electrification system I realised [these] were a non-starter, so when the local electricity board ‘turned the screw’ I decided to look deeper.

I discovered Outram and when I read about your collaboration with Scottish Power I immediately realised the Outram equipment was the only one to consider. From what I have seen since yesterday morning I know I was correct in contacting your company.

Bob King, Power Phase Services, UK (Contracting for Network Rail)
Outram PM7000FLM proved capable of reliably assessing Fault Level

The Outram PM7000FLM and associated software proved to be capable of reliably assessing / calculating fault level from both repeated low-level steps, as well as one-off larger pulses.

Rob Weller, Rina Consulting, UK Power Networks Earth Fault Level Project, March 2018
Your kit knocks spots of the bigger manufacturers

Your kit knocks spots of the bigger manufacturers.

Andrew Williams, MD, Smart Electrical Systems, Sept 2018
Fault Level Monitors to Validate ENWL RESPOND Project Network models

Fault level monitors – Outram fault level monitors have been installed at seven [Electricity North West] Respond [Project] sites. These monitors will validate our network model and the Fault Level Assessment Tool. Electricity North West Ltd RESPOND Project Newsletter, May 2016.

Electricity North West Ltd RESPOND Project Newsletter, May 2016.
I have been quite astounded at the detail the Outram Data Logger has captured.

During communications regarding the 3 PM7000TIs that Bob is managing remotely, with new data sent back to him over email every 24 hrs, he told us that he has been finding detail in the recordings he never thought he would see. “I have been quite astounded at the detail the Outram Data Logger has captured.”

Bob King, Power Phase Services, UK
….Commendable for its ease of use and portability

The Outram equipment is commendable for its ease of use and portability.

Rob Weller, Rina Consulting, UK Power Networks Earth Fault Level Project
“These [PM7000s] really are pucker units”

Following successful measurements using 2 of our PM7000 Power Quality Hire units…

“We captured some good stuff, these [PM7000s] really are pucker units.”

Shaun Smith, Firstfield Electrical Ltd, March 2021


Shaun Smith, Firstfield Electrical Ltd, March 2021
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