Article ID: 110113sab
Last Reviewed: July 10, 2023
The information in this article applies to:
Target Audience
This article is aimed at:
- Qualified Service Personnel and Advanced users of the Ranger Product Line.
The PM3000, PM2000 and PM1000 are provided with either an internal RAM drive of 1 MByte.
This application note details the process required to re-format this drive.
These instructions are for the PM3000, the PM2000 and PM1000 may differ very slightly.
A PM3000, PM2000 or PM1000 with the memory upgrade (8, 16, 32 or 64 MB) use an internal Flash drive, however, the re-format instructions are unchanged.
A re-format of the internal drive will erase recorded data and any other files. Please ensure any important data present on the drive is saved before the drive is re-formatted.
You may use Pronto to download recorded data and PmFiles to save any user configurations (see APPNOTE: Get started using PmFiles.exe the Ranger file manager).
To re-format the Ram or Flash drive
Follow these steps:
1) Connect to the Logger using TermView
(see APPNOTE: Get started using TermView.exe, the Ranger text terminal utility )
2) At the prompt enter the command:
PM3000> REFORMAT <safetycode>
where <safetycode> is the “command protection safety code” (if you are not aware how to obtain the safety code for a particular Logger please contact your distributor).
The PM3000 will produce the following output.
PM3000> reformat XXXXXXXX