Article ID: 060213sab-2
Last Reviewed: July 7, 2023
See APPNOTE:Using a PM7000 Simulator with a PDA over a Bluetooth link for more information.
Step 1: Install the USB to Bluetooth adaptor.
1. Plug the USB to Bluetooth adaptor into your computer.
2. Windows XP should automatically install the device and this symbol will appear in the Taskbar.
Step 2: Create an in-coming Bluetooth serial port on your computer.
1. Double click on the symbol on your Taskbar to open the Bluetooth Devices dialog (you may also access these dialogs using Start and then Control Panel).
2. On the Bluetooth Devices dialog select the COM Ports tab.
3. Click on Add. This opens the Add COM Port dialog.
4. Select Incoming as the type of COM port to add and click on OK.
5. Click on OK to close the Bluetooth Devices dialog.
Step 3: Turn on Bluetooth Discovery on your computer.
1. Double click on the symbol on your Taskbar to open the Bluetooth Devices dialog (you may also access these dialogs using Start and then Control Panel).
2. On the Bluetooth Devices dialog select the Options tab.
3. Set the check mark next to Turn Discovery On to allow your PDA to find your computer.
4. Click on OK to close the Bluetooth Devices dialog.
Step 4: Setup and run the PM7000 Simulator on your computer.
On your computer, follow the steps below:
1. Launch the application PmStart.exe
2. Work through the Introduction, clicking Next on each step and Finish on the last step.
3. After the introduction the PmStart Simulator setup utility is presented.
4. Select the simulator you want to run from the list at the top of the dialog. If the simulator is not in the list click on Browse and then specify the simulator to use.
5. In the section labeled Specify how the Simulator is to communicate with PmScreen.exe select Remote serial connection.
6. In the section labeled Which serial port is the simulator to use select the COM port added in step 2 above. If you are not sure which port was added, click on Search for Ports and select the port from the drop down list.
7. Finally click on Start the Simulator.
Step 5: Turn on Bluetooth on your PDA.
On the Start screen of your PDA click on the or
symbol in the bottom right corner of the screen and then set the check box labelled Turn On Bluetooth and click on OK.
Step 6: Create a Partnership between your PDA with your computer.
1. On the Start screen of your PDA click on the symbol in the bottom right corner of the screen and select the tab Devices.
2. Click on the entry New Partnership… (this opens the Select a Bluetooth Device page).
3. The PDA now scans for available Bluetooth devices. When this is complete select the name of your computer from the list and click Next.
4. On the Enter Passkey page enter a pass key and click Next ( you may use something simple like “1234” if you are not concerned about security).
5. On your COMPUTER you will see the message A Bluetooth device is requesting to connect to your computer, click on this message, then on the Add Bluetooth Device Wizard enter the same passkey as you entered on your PDA then click Next and then Finish.
6. On your PDA, on the Partnership Settings page, put a check box next to the service Serial Port and click Finish.
7. Click OK on the Bluetooth page (on your PDA).
Step 7: Create an out-going Bluetooth serial port on your PDA.
1. On the Start screen of your PDA click on the symbol in the bottom right corner of the screen and select the tab COM Ports.
2. Select the item New Outgoing Port from the list (this will open the Add a Device page).
3. Select the name of your computer from the list and click Next.
4. Accept or change the Port number as you wish, set the checkbox marked Secure Connection and click on Finish.
5. Finally click OK in the top right on the Bluetooth page.
Step 8: Run PmScreen.exe on your PDA.
On your PDA, follow the steps below:
1. Launch the application PmScreen.exe.
2 On the Welcome screen, click on the Port menu and select Other Port.
3. Click on Search to scan your PDA for ports.
4. In the drop down list, select the port added above in Step 10. NOTE: there is a known unresolved issue that may prevent the Port from appearing in the search list. If this happens, type the port name in directly.
5. Click on OK.
Instructions for the next or subsequent time a Simulator is used with your PDA
After the first time, many of the steps above are simplified or are not required.
The only steps required are:
Step 3: Turn on discovery on your computer.
Step 4: Setup and run the simulator on your computer.
Step 8: Run PmScreen.exe on your PDA.