APPNOTE: Changing the default gridline colours in Pronto for Windows

Article ID: 060823sab
Last Reviewed: July 6, 2023

The information in this article applies to:

  • Pronto for Windows 32 bit releases all versions.

Target Audience

This article is aimed at:

  • All Users of Pronto for Windows.


By default Pronto for Windows prints grid lines as dark grey. It is possible to modify this default behaviour by editing a setting in the windows registry.
Note that changes to the default grid line color will only affect new graphs created after the change and not any existing views.

Step 1: Check where, in the Registry, Pronto is saving its settings

Using windows registry editor check the following location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ranger\Pronto for Windows\User Info\ProfilePerUser

If the value is zero then settings are on a per machine basis and Pronto will save settings to:


If the value is not zero then settings are on a per user basis and Pronto will save its settings to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Ranger\Pronto for Windows

Step 2: Ensure Pronto has saved the Graph defaults at least once

2.1   From within Pronto for Windows select the menu item TOOLS – OPTIONS.
2.2   Select the “Graph Defaults” tab.
2.3   Change anything you like on this page and then click on OK.
2.4   Select the TOOLS – OPTIONS menu item again.
2.5   Restore whatever you changed in step 2.3 above and click OK.
2.6   Close Pronto for Windows.

Step 3: Edit the Gridline colour setting in the registry

Using Windows registry editor check the following locations, using either HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_CURRENT_USER based on the result from Step 1 above.

<xxxxxxx>SOFTWARE\Ranger\Pronto for Windows\Graphs\VertGridColour
<xxxxxxx>SOFTWARE\Ranger\Pronto for Windows\GraphsHoriGridColour

You can change either or both of these values to any number from the table below.
Note that any change made will take effect the next time Pronto for Windows is opened and a graph is created.

Decimal Hexadecimal Color Comment
 0  0x00000000  Black
 1  0x00000001  White not recommended
 2  0x00000002  Dark Red
 3  0x00000003  Dark Blue
 4  0x00000004  Dark Green
 5  0x00000005  Dark Magenta
 6  0x00000006  Dark Cyan
 7  0x00000007  Dark Yellow
 8  0x00000008  Red
 9  0x00000009  Blue
10  0x00000000  Green
11  0x0000000a  Magenta
12  0x0000000b  Cyan
13  0x0000000c  Yellow
14  0x0000000d  Light  Green
15  0x0000000e  Light  Blue
16  0x0000000f  Grey
17  0x00000010  Dark   Grey default
18  0x00000011  Light  Grey