Why Choose Outram Research?
We have over 30 years experience in signal processing and data logger design. We started to specialise in Power Quality Analysers over 20 years ago.
Our Power Master Series of analysers covers everything needed to monitor and record power, including detailed harmonics, flicker, waveforms and other parameters. Our range of high precision, high reliability, data acquisition systems runs from extremely slow to over one million samples per second, ensuring that we have an analyser to suit most needs.
With over 500 logging channels, the PM7000 power analyser and recorder sets new standards. It is highly water resistant and rated at Category IV for maximum operator safety.
The Complete Power Master Series
The PM7503, PM3000HF, PM2000 and PM1000 complete the series, offering a range of functionality and price, and all are complemented by the highly regarded data extraction and analysis software package, Pronto. This Windows-based application, written and developed by Outram Research, is used to configure the Power Master and to extract the data for analysis.
Unique, World Class, Data Capture Techniques
All our monitoring products have our ‘Single Cycle Adaptive Store™‘ technology for data management. It has the ability to accurately reproduce trend data and at the same time sample at a fast enough rate over long periods of time to faithfully reproduce anomalies and deviations from the trend. Thanks to its efficiency, it is used in almost all applications, and is especially beneficial for troubleshooting unknown situations.
With its ability to adapt automatically to changing circumstances, and without the need for user specified thresholds, the system is ideal for detecting and recording unexpected short disturbances. With resolution down to a single cycle, it makes reconciliation between different parameters, e.g. Voltage and Current, or Voltage and Flicker, simple and straightforward.
Auto-Ranking Waveform Capture, the intelligent PM7000 capture of ‘best’ waveforms, is our sub-cycle data recording and management tool, complementing the Single Cycle Adaptive Store technology.
Seven different types of captured waveforms, up to 16,000 in total, are ranked in order of ‘greatness’ for ease and speed of analysis. Look at the first 50 or even 10, and you get a detailed picture of your power problem. Nothing is missed and no thresholds need to have been set.
Over the years we have continually introduced new and unique features to our power quality analysers. For more information on these, including our recording regime Single Cycle Adaptive Store™, please click here.
The next level: Fault Level Prediction
Now we have gone one step further and designed and manufactured an entirely unique product, the PM7000 Fault Level Monitor.
The DNO Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN), in a discussion with us on the merits of Outram’s Power Quality measuring products, asked wistfully whether we could design a product that could predict network fault levels.
Since we like solving difficult problems, we rose to the challenge.
For the past several years ORL has been working on a portable instrument which can predict fault current by measuring natural disturbances on a radial network during normal operation. We now have the PM7000 Fault Level Monitor (FLM) which does exactly that.
Please see below a graph depicting the maximum (fault) current that could flow in the event of a fault during the measurement period. The graph in front is the 90ms Upstream RMS result. It was generated using our well respected software, Pronto for Windows.
For more information, please carry on looking through our website but also get in touch and ask us about it. Visit our contact us page for details.
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See Our Partners page for the contact details of our main UK, US and European distributors.