Outram Now UVDB Registered

UVDB Registered

Key Facts:

  • Scored higher than 80% on all required sections of the UVDB Verify Audit
  • Better visability for electrical utility product tenders

Outram have registered for another year to become part of the Achilles community making them more visible to 80 sector organisations and over 3000 buyers.

By completing the UVDB Verify Category A assessment Outram have been able to demonstrate their very high standards in Safety, Health, Environment & Quality (SHEQ) management.

Audit Scores (Sept 2013):
Health and Safety 87.3%,
Environment 82.3%,
Qality Management 100.0%

These audit results can now be viewed by every single buyer registered in the electrical utility sector, enabling Outram to respond more quickly to tenders put forward for their Power Quality and Fault Level instruments.


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For further information, please contact:

Valerie Outram, Outram Research Ltd
Tel: +44 1243 573050
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